about early morning

2 min readMay 24, 2021

I remember back then when I was a little, my father used to wake me and my siblings up every morning, as early as he can, where we were just a little kid who still snuggling up with our dreams.

That what makes me a morning person until now, waking up early -by early I don’t mean 4am-, do a morning prayer, open up the window, breathing the fresh air, and sometimes take shower if needed. And man, that feels good!

We were kinda frustrated back then, while some of our friends at school being waken up around 6am or even 7am, but yeah, that’s my father. He’s a strict one in religion thingy.

Later I found out, the angels from heaven are associating together with you every night ‘till the sun comes up. So every prayer you asked for during that particular time, will be heard, embraced, and finally being sent to God by them. And it does happen every single day.

I may not a religious person, but I believe in my favorite surah, which have a verse repetition “Therefore glorify the name of your Lord, the Great.” When I‘m in doubt, or maybe ask for an answer, or when I really want something badly, I do keep reading and repeating that, while delivering my will every single morning.

And guess what? I got it! Well, I might not get everything that I want or I asked for, but I have the answer, whether is a yes or no. if it’s a yes, then I got the thing I want, and if it’s a no, I got the substitution and surely I believe it’s better for me.

Also, I got the strength that I need! Nobody say the life would be easy to live in. Who asked for an easy life anyway? For me, I always ask for the strength in every difficulties I found. And many times, I have the answer for the thing that I asked before in the morning time.

So yeah, I think I should thank my father for turning on the light in my bedroom every morning and still waking me up. Because I am now believe, that morning is the best time to communicate everything to Your creator.

A very good morning to you.





I’m working on my bio, please check again after ten years.